Random Picture of the Day

12 03 2008

Picture I took after the season last year….



36 responses

12 03 2008

haha nice

12 03 2008

after the post season or regular season?

12 03 2008

did they at least let ya in to ring the bell?!?!!

12 03 2008

Nice Phil, keep the updates up. One thing I’d like to know more about is if your still working out with Andy Pettitte and what all does he have you doing?

12 03 2008

Well, now I realize why you call it “random” picture of the day. 😛

12 03 2008

Hey Phil.. a little off topic but, over at RAB.. me and some dudes came up with a nickname for you, joba, ian, and Chien Ming Wang.. GB Power and Associates.. you know like ground balls and stuff.. but anyhow.. i don’t think it’s that lame.. so I just wanted to get it out there. hahaha kinda marginalizes you guys though.. hahaha

12 03 2008


Hey Phil – How is Stump? Pete had a note he got hit in the mouth with a ball today and left on a stretcher. Hope he’s ok.

12 03 2008

I got to go inside on a tour as a part of my finance class last semester. It was really cool…if you’re into that kind of thing. But because most trades are done electronically now, there really wasn’t anyone on the trading floor and it was really quiet, which was kinda depressing…anyway, it’s actually a pretty neat thing to check out if you get the chance. And if you’re kinda sorta interested in business. If you’re not, well, it’s really pretty inside, so that’s something. =)

12 03 2008

you got any money in stocks phil?

12 03 2008

ive never been inside, but definitley want too. you just always see business people running around all over the place. very random! its nice

12 03 2008

You gotta ring the bell!

12 03 2008

Nice random picture of the day! As for your question the other night, about other stuff to blog about, I got one. Why don’t you tell us about all the facilities at visiting parks? How were the field conditions, was the locker room a dump, stuff like that. Also, what you dig about other cities where you play, stuff like that. It would be a good perspective, and a better idea of what ends up being your office!

12 03 2008

Win a WS and you will be ringing that bell ….with a parade to boot ….something you will never forget. I was at the ’96 parade and it was truly something that stays with you forever …even while you are getting trampled to death (not you..the fans..haha..).

Nice little scuffle today …happily no one was hurt. That Shelley is one wild and crazy guy…thank goodness he has someone like you to tame him …at least a little ..lol

Go Yankees 2008 !!!!

12 03 2008

Is that where you’re hoping your future arbitration hearings will be held? Or your future ATM?

12 03 2008

That’s not far from the Canyon of Heroes! Otherwise it’s the most peaceful part of Manhattan once the workday is over. You can hear a pin drop, haha.

12 03 2008

That’s a while downtown from the stadium. Do guys on the team take the subway, aside from Shelley?

12 03 2008

phil you are a really good photographer. is photography one of your interests?

12 03 2008


I love your random picture of day!! I have friends that I commute with on the train into Manhattan that work down at the stock exchange. Crazy business!!! I will stick to the crazy fashion business….

Funny any relative or friend I take to Wall Street the first picture they take is the bull.

12 03 2008

Love it! Do you like NYC or do you prefer the type of area you grew up in?

12 03 2008

I think the best stocks the Yankees have at the moment ..are you, Joba and Kennedy. That’s what I call a GREAT investment and I expect lots of dividends from the three of you …

Go Yankees 2008 !!!!

12 03 2008

man when my sister used to live in brooklynn. we used to always head over that way to SHOP,lolwe made the mistake of walking in front of that place after the day closed. that was nuts… to many suits and ties for me,lol

12 03 2008

cool pic, Phil – that’s the center of American finance right there. Keep it up – these random pics are loads of fun!

13 03 2008

Have you seen Grant’s Tomb, Phil? My 2 stops if I make it to NYC this year are Yankee Stadium and Grant’s Tomb(forget Rockefeller Center, Times Square, etc. etc.) I gotta see those two! For you New Yorkers acquainted with the area of Grant’s Tomb, how is it?

13 03 2008

how about a picture of the new stadium! that would be cool.

13 03 2008

That picture brings back memories. We took our son for a whirlwind tour of NYC last summer, the highlight of which was a Yankee game in which Shelley hit a 3 run homer. We usually go to Toronto, its closer for us and there are as many Yankees fans as Jay fans. It can’t match the thrill of Yankee Stadium though, especially hearing “Sandman” playing as Mo comes out.

13 03 2008

I love the radom pics phil! keep posting!

13 03 2008

I agree justafan42. The Financial District is quiet on the weekends too. It’s the perfect place to read a book and relax.

13 03 2008

Blue Horse Shoe Loves Anacot Steel…

13 03 2008

Good quote, Larrydavid1 !! That was a great movie!

13 03 2008

nice looking photo!

13 03 2008

thts a pretty looking building. nice design. nice camrea too.

13 03 2008

Cool pic. Is photography a hobby of yours? it seems like that’s the way with a few players. I get my hair cut near there BTW. Haha.

13 03 2008

Nice pic Phil. I smiled at this because I work on a trading floor in Boston for a stocks company (not as upscaled as Stock Exchange, as we expect Boston to be to NY lol). You are a riot on here with the randomness and everyone loves it…. keep it coming.

13 03 2008

oo awsome my Dad works there!! I’ve been through that door like 20 times!! :):) great random pic of the day!

17 03 2008

NY Stock Exchange… classic New York! Keep it up!

25 03 2008

Ah, the memories! I used to pass that every day on my way home from work. It’s such an unremarkable door as compared to what lies beyond it. (All the scaffolding certainly doesn’t help, either.)

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