Chat Answers….

23 01 2008

Thanks to everyone for submitting so many great questions. Wish I could get to all of em.

zellyanks91 asked: Phil…What goes on in the Yankees clubhouse before and after games..of course the media is there asking questions..but what do you guys do?
It’s pretty laid back for the most part. You can usually find most guys eating and watching TV in the lounge. There’s always a few in the clubhouse chatting with the media, in the training room getting treatment, or working out in the weight room. 

bxbomber44 asked: Are you and all the young guns excited to have Eiland back as your pitching coach this year, nothing against Gator
This will be my 3rd season working with Dave. When it comes to my mechanics and pitching mentality I don’t think there is anyone that knows me better. Everyone is very excited to have him this season. 

deltaforce82 asked:  Scouts say that you throw a tradition 12-6 curve, but I’ve seen pictures and it looks like your actually throwing a knuckle curve, which one do you throw?
There are a few different ways to throw a curveball. The most traditional way is to keep your middle and index finger down on the baseball. The way I throw it is to “spike” my index finger on the ball by digging my nail into the seam. This is known as a spike curveball, or knuckle curve. I’ll bet there are quite a few guys that throw it this way, Mike Mussina and Ian Kennedy being 2 I know for sure.

chocolateaddict706 asked: Word on the street is you’re a fan of The Office. Assuming this is true, who’s your favorite character (and why)?
It’s true, I’m a huge fan of The Office. I think all the characters bring their own unique quality to the show that makes it so good as a whole. If I had to pick one favorite it would have to be Dwight. Don’t think I need much explanation here, he’s hilarious!

seannryann asked:  I am plan on ordering your jersey, are you going to continue to wear 65, or do you have plans to use another?
I have no plans right now to change my number.

metalboy15 asked:  Your mechanics/delivery seemed to get a lot closer to where it was before the hamstring injury (first 2 starts) upon the arrival of Dave Eiland back in September of last years, do you credit your late season success to this
After coming back from my injury last season my mechanics were a little out of whack. This led to a little loss of velocity and command. When Dave arrived in September we were able to work out some things and I think that had a lot to do with the success I had at the end of the season. It was nice to finish off the year on a good note so I have something to work toward to get back to my normal self in 2008.

 Again thanks to everyone for all the great questions. I’ll try to do some more of these down the line as well as get some other players to answer some questions. 



53 responses

23 01 2008


23 01 2008

thanks for answering my question phil – good luck in tampa

23 01 2008

Thanks Phil, hope your sessions are going well.

23 01 2008

Thanks for answering everyone’s questions Phil. Look forward to reading more in the future!

23 01 2008

Thanks for answering those questions, especially about the pitching mechanics.

It’s true what they say, you do learn something new every day!

23 01 2008

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Hopefully you could answer mine sometime.

23 01 2008

I just read your answer re: The Office to my wife, and she said “Dwight? You can’t pick Dwight as your favorite.”

23 01 2008

Wow are you ballsy having this blog!!! Don’t get me wrong or anything but we’re Yankee fans- we are notorious for our love/hate relationships with players- I’m sure Arod can tell you all about it…I think this blog is an awesome idea for right now- spring training is right around the corner and EVERY baseball fan is eager to talk about anything other than steroids…but brace yourself for what may come…I’m not saying it to make you nervous, but for all the accolades you are getting right now from people on this site I just don’t want you to be fooled.
The best part of being a Yankee fan is that we don’t take any crap: not from opposing teams, not from our players, and not from each other. I am not saying I am not a fan, but I am not ready to jump full force onto your bandwagon yet until you play a full season in pinstripes-maybe two.

23 01 2008

WOW, kristylynn20.

Way to be optimistic

23 01 2008

Thanks for answering my question Phil! My Red Sox friend conceded that there is in fact a Yankees player who does indeed have a sense of humor. So thanks for that victory. =)

And if you ever have time, try to check out Arrested Development. If you like The Office, you will love this show. I promise.

23 01 2008

Thanks for the answers, love seeing the real side of a pro.

23 01 2008

yeah thanks for answering some questions.its very cool of you

23 01 2008

Great idea. Thanks for answering my question.


23 01 2008

thanks Phil!

23 01 2008

My favorite is Creed, hands down!

23 01 2008

oh awesome, that q&a was a good idea, and the questions were good too especially the last 2. definitely do this more often.

23 01 2008

So would you say your fastball sits in the 91-93 mph range or the 92-94 mph range?

just kidding, Phil.

23 01 2008

Very good thing you are doing Phil, best of luck…always with the Yanks.
You may have thought that Kristylynn was joking, don’t. The Yankee fans are the best most knowlageble fans in the world, but they can be down right nasty also. But, don’t worry about it to much they are also very fair. We hope that you 3 big guys can do the job for us. Oh, by the way you guys don’t have to win every game…just, most of them. Good luck. 27/08

23 01 2008

Phil…thanks for the great info!!!

Mark McCray

23 01 2008


Great job getting with the fans! It’s nice to see. Wow lot’s of pressure this year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan and I believe you have the make up to become a great MLB SP, but I was more in favor of making a trade for Santana at this point. It’s just a case of what we would get right now vs. what we will have with you in the future. You know Yankee fans, it’s all about right now. I do think youth is the best way to build a solid rotation these days. Either way it looks like your here to stay and I’m happy about too. I can’t wait for the season. It feels like it’s been 4 years instead of 4 months. Don’t let the whole NY thing get to you and just go out and have some fun!!

23 01 2008


When you from came back from the wounded soldier list, influenced you to pitch ball rhythm perhaps.My confirming you can discuss together with coach, your work can certainly do a good job, I believe.

Thanks to your so detailed answer .

23 01 2008

It was great to read your answers, Phil. Congrats once again.

23 01 2008

Check out this blog.. it talks about how phil hughes is doing something unique with this blog.. pretty interesting

23 01 2008

This blog makes people feel that the player cares about the fans as they do about him. Just the fact that he would take time out to jot a few notes makes the everyday person feel he is thinking of them. Even if Phil can’t answer all the questions (it would be quite a task) just by taking the time to show the fans he has an interest in them by answering some of them makes it a win all the way around for Phil as he stockpiles the fans and win for the fans to feel closer to someone they admire.

The nice thing is it seems like Phil remembers when he was just the fan and not the star and how excited and fun it is to talk to one of your idols even if only over the internet.

Phil doesn’t preach to the fans (like a certain other player blogger we know). He is thought provoking in an easy going way and meshes with the fans. Getting to know his fans as they are getting to know him. That’s what really makes this blog special and unique.

Thanks Phil ….I just wish I was young enough to have a legitimate crush on you I’m looking forward to seeing you do your thing this year ….beating up on the opponents !!

Go Yankees 2008 !!!!!

23 01 2008

I come from Taiwan !! My English is not well !!! I don’t know !! What should I say? anyway nice to meet you !! I’m so happy !!

23 01 2008


I would like to get your repsonse to this article and its accuracy;

Is the change in arm slot what Eiland helped you fix or was it something else?

24 01 2008

Great questions with great answers!! Thanks for taking the time to answer those, I learned so much!

24 01 2008

Great article Phil. Every one loves you.

I added you as a link and I was hoping you would link me as well. I post every article on the Yankees all on one webpage. I search the internet early in the morning from all sources and post every article. I’ll be posting all 8 minor league box scores as well on a daily basis.

24 01 2008

Thanks for thinking about the fans.

You’re the man, Phil!

24 01 2008

Great that you did this, Phil! Hopefully next time I’ll be able to submit a question. It’s great to see how you are including the fans in this and keep up the great work!

24 01 2008

It’s great that you are taking the time to interact with us, the fans. I look forward to seeing you and all the others in the new generation this year.

24 01 2008

Cool stuff bud.

24 01 2008

Forums would be pretty cool. After every pitching appearance you should have a recap of your performance.

24 01 2008

Crap wrong entry LOL, I’m loving player blogs. I feel more connected to players.

Keep up the good work Phil!

25 01 2008

i don’t have any questions right now…this is actually my first post. i just want to thank god that you are still a Yankee!

25 01 2008

Phil, is there any one player you can say had the most influence on you becoming a pitcher? Have you ever met them before?

25 01 2008

I think that what you are doing is great………..some of the players and other famous people forget what its like to be a fan……it is nice to see that you remember…….thank you for taking the time out for us {the fans}, it is appreciated…….keep up the good work on the field and off.

25 01 2008

I hope they don’t trade you. Santana is not worth the money and all the great prospects we would give up. Melky way is the man in center, what a great arm. He adds a new dynamic to center than what Damon had (I like him in left). I think of the team this year, like my favorite team, the 1996 Yanks. After 6 innings, they were 99-1 with a lead (Mo and John). I love it. I see Chamberlain and Mo being just as successful this year. I like him in the pen. With you and Ian, then the veterans, we are looking good. We can’t forget about Karstens waiting in the wings. I hope they decidie to hold on to everyone and move forward with what we have. It is our best chance for a another world championship!!

25 01 2008

How is it like playing by all those ledgendary players, and playing as a Yankee?

And how does it feel to soon be a ledgend in the Yankees?!?!?!

Your an awesome pitcher, and you did great in the playoffs, but the other players didn’t.

Can u please email me at

-Stephen K. (biggest yankees fan EVER)!!!

25 01 2008

hey phil, glad they’re planning to hold onto you . Rather have a 21 year old who seems to have a endless upside pitching for the yankees, then someone who’s almost 10 years older . Good luck this season . Be rooting for ya . pz

25 01 2008

Hey Phil,

Like many others I am thrilled that you will be back in the bronx! Sometimes those Steinbrenners get a little crazy! Anyway, its so rare to see a young guy like you be so poised like you were in game 3 of the ALDS, can you try to put into words what it was like to step on that mound for the first time in the postseason, be able to block everything out and pitch like you did? Also, watching you play is great because ill be 20 in a couple months and to see someone around my age succeed like you is really cool. Its almost like im out there but i dont think my high 70s fastball would get the job done in the bigs. Thanks for putting this blog up, its really awesome to be able to talk to you and have a great year in ’08!

-Tim Z. (Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!!)

25 01 2008

Hey Phil don’t worry about those Santana talks, in two years you will be the better pitcher. I have been a huge supporter since you were drafted and have been one of your biggest advocates. I just wanted to say that I know you have it in you to be a great pitcher and I just wanted to wish good luck and I know that you and Joba and Ian Kennedy will be anchors of the rotation. I also wanted to thank you for saying, “what’s up” before a Yankees vs. White Sox game. I was hanging out around the stands and when you went out to throw a bullpen and you said, “what’s up man” when I said hi.

25 01 2008

Not that 65 isn’t unique or anything, but it wouldn’t be so bad to change your number.

This year you can use 45 (Thank goodness), and next season you can use 25 (Thank goodness) and possibly 35.

25 01 2008


Just to let you know there are a lot of Yankees that would dread seeing you leave. I knew you were the truth when you struck out Johnny Peralta in the first inning of the 1st game of the August series in Cleveland. They had 2 on and two outs and you froze Peralta on a 3-2 curve. Nice work. You set the tone for that series sweep and for team to have a good run versus those tough teams in late August.

No worries about your spot on this team, once they see the talent burst out this year, ownership will be jumping for joy that they didn’t trade you. You, Joba, Wang, and Kennedy are the best pitching talent I’ve seen come up at once from the Yankees. You will be running in the league and dominating all teams by 2010.

25 01 2008

Hey Phil I’m just wondering are you a big gamer? And if so what games do you play? And consoles? I’m looking forward to pitching as you in MLB 2K8 lol. GO YANKEES!!

26 01 2008

i agree 1000% with illmatic87. yes that was 1000 and not 100. something about the office. do you like stanley? because some people think he’s boring but i think he’s hilarious.

26 01 2008

Before you hurt your hamstring during the texas game last year, did you think you were going to throw a no hitter? Your stuff looked untouchable that night.


27 01 2008


Hey, I´m a big Mets fan but have become a fan of your team´s young pitching staff…you, Ian and Joba, health allowing, should lead the Yankees deep into the game and you all throw nasty strikes. Do you have any thoughts as to how cool it would be to stay together as Yankees, and the damage you guys can do.

Forget that baseball is a business, and apparently a dirty one, if you can.

27 01 2008

Oh, I can´t forget about Chin Ming….
You guys are really good!!
You have the world by the short ones…I hope you guys keep cool.

27 01 2008

Dear Mr. Hughes,

I am 8 years old and a Yankees fan. This is really nice that you do this so I can write to you. I wanted to ask what was your favorite superhero when you were a kid? Spiderman is mine. Can’t wait for baseball to start.


28 01 2008

This might be a little personal, but is Abreu really 34, or is he near 40? Beginning of the year last year, he showed that he is leaning more towards 40.

28 01 2008

I am so glad they did not trade you for Santanna. The Yankees won all those world series within the past 12 years, with their farm system. I am so anxious to see you and Joba Starting games in the rotation this year. Go out and win 20 or more, and make Santanna look stupid! Joba also! I consider Joba the new Clemens, hopefully without steroids! I plan on seeing you both in the All Star Game!

2 02 2008

Hey Phil,

Just like to echo all the remarks that we are all TRULY happy you are still in pinstripes, and hope you are here for a very long succesfull career.

With that said, give us the story with being a Red Sawx fan when you were younger, what were your TRUE original thoughts when you were drafted by the Yanks. Was there a little bit of you that what slightly upset? When you see the Red Sawx win is there a little bit inside that is happy?

I’m just thinking about how passionate I am as a fan, not sure if I could ever shake my loyalty.

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